Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Letter from Nov. 7, 2016

Mom, I don't even remember usually who I write and dont'  write in one week hahahah my mind is in one milion different places! This week we did splits with Ala 1 in São Vicente, and Samambaia. They went really well!

This week we taught a lesson that was a MIRACLE! I talked to a lday at a bus stop last week and she didnt seem super interested, but I bore my testimony for her about the restauration and asked again if she would like to learn more another day. She admitted that she'd given her address to missionaries before but theyd never gone. We marked a lessona and went and WOW! She's legally married (which NEVER HAPPENS), doesnt like coffee, and the best moment of this transfer was when we talked about the first vision and told her to ask God if this was the true church and she started crying. She said that she always went to the Catholic church, but visited other churches and always asked herself what was the truth, the whole truth, and how she could know. We gave her a baptismal date for the 26th and it was one of the most spiritual experiences of the mission.  Please pray for her & that we'll be able to teach and baptise her husband and two children as well. I love being a missionary and the Gospel SO MUCH!

This week was GOOD! But, I am so tired hahahah!! We do splits with another companionship of sisters at least 2 times a week and instead of giving my 100% I try to give like 120% to be a good example and show them how they can improve their work, so come Sunday night meeting with Presidente and the Assistants I'm just whooped, but more motivated than ever before! 
This week we had stake conference in Santos which was cool, but something that has been touching me a lot lately is what 100% obedience means. On the mission you learn to be obediente with everything, every hour, every meal, every lesson, everything! But, its easy to see which missionaries truly learned  this on the mission or not. Its just sad to see people not being obedient and then not being blessed because of it. In all honesty, we dont have any more agency, we already used our agency to choose to come to earth and follow God's plan. Now, we can just choose to be blessed (be 100% obediente) or suffer (break rules, commandments, not do God's will). This is what I've learned. 
Well, I think that was enough of a rant for this week....but its all true okay! hahahah! LOVE YOU and I'll be praying for sure!

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